The Amateur’s Code
The Radio Amateur is: Considerate: never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others. Loyal: offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally. Progressive: with knowledge abreast of science, […]
I will be at the South Florida Science Museum on November 19,2011 between 12:00PM – 3:00PM. I will be setting up my HSMM system in an attempt to reach one of the pavilions in Dreher Park. The closest pavilion is over 600 feet away and I hope that it is available at the time of […]
Node and Server
I have been working on my own system when I have free time and I currently have two nodes. I have also been working on a prototype stand for a node. I will have pictures or video of that soon. I have also installed an XMPP server and have made a small chatting network. The […]
LED Circuit
This is a simple LED Circuit. It was handed out on October 28, 2011 at the Halloween Night at the Museum located at the South Florida Science Museum. The West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Club has a station located on site. For more information on the club or the museum please visit the links.
Robotic Arm Edge
This is the Robotic Arm Edge by OWI Inc. I plan to use this to learn more about robotics and electronics.
Net Scripts
Net Formats Directed (formal) Nets: In a directed net, a “net control station” (NCS) organizes and controls all activity. One station wishing to call or send a message to another in the net must first receive permission from the NCS. Directed nets are the best format for Emergencies. Open (informal) Nets: In an open net, […]
D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) is a digital voice and data protocol specification developed as the result of research by the Japan Amateur Radio League to investigate digital technologies for amateur radio. While there are other digital on-air technologies being used by amateurs that have come from other services, D-Star is one of […]
144-222-440 Band Plans
Here is a portion of the Band Plan. I have only posted the 2 meter, 1.25 meter and the 70 centimeters because that all I can use at the moment. My HT Yaesu VX-6 is able to transmit on all three bands. All I did was copy the following bands from the ARRL web site […]
March of Dimes 2011
This year I was the primary NCS with one secondary operator. We had a total 5 water station with two operators at each station. We also had 3 vans with two operators in each one and one bike to follow the walkers. This audio has been condensed with any dead air removed.
NAS Device
For those of you that are not network people. A NAS is a Network Attached Storage drive. It’s almost like a external hard drive but better. In this day in age we all have documents, photos, videos or others files on our computers. A few years back I had a 300 GB external hard drive. […]